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Children‘s artworks - The undersea world as seen by children
PAF Festival 2025 - Acceptance of competition works has started.
You can send your competition photos and films until midnight on March 15th, 2025. You can find details about the individual categories in the "Rules" link. We look forward to your works and personal meetings at the festival on April 4-6th, 2025 in Tachov. In case of a problem with booking accommodation during the festival, please contact us by email. We have enough capacity and will be happy to help you arrange  accommodation.

„The underwater world through the eyes of children“

The competition is announced for primary schools, secondary schools, children's and youth centres and individuals.

 Competition categories:    1. painting, drawing, graphics – up to A1 format

                                               2. ceramics – with a maximum size of 24 cm, height 24 cm, width 24 cm

Age categories:                    A.  6 – 12 years

                                               B. 13 – 18 years

Each author can participate in the competition with only one work in each category.

In each art and age category, 1st - 3rd prize will be awarded. The winning authors will be invited to the award Ceremony, which will take place as part of the main festival programme.

The jury's decision is immutable and cannot be appealed. By submitting the work to the competition, the author and his legal representatives agree to its free use for the promotion of the festival and diving sport. Works are not sent back. Potential applicants can pick up their works by prior arrangement no later than three months after the end of the festival at the Museum of the Bohemian Forest in Tachov.

Only works received by the festival deadline will be accepted for the competition.

Mark the competition works with the name and age of the author.
Send the completed application form and competition works to adress:

Museum Ceskeho lesa, tř. Míru 447, 347 01 Tachov, Czech Republic.

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call +420 374 722 171

 Information about the festival can be found on the www.paftachov.cz
