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The World of Silence
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PAF Festival 2025 - Acceptance of competition works has started.
You can send your competition photos and films until midnight on March 15th, 2025. You can find details about the individual categories in the "Rules" link. We look forward to your works and personal meetings at the festival on April 4-6th, 2025 in Tachov. In case of a problem with booking accommodation during the festival, please contact us by email. We have enough capacity and will be happy to help you arrange  accommodation.

The vernissage of the photography exhibition ‘The World of Silence’ or echoes of the festival PAF Tachov 2017

The vernissage of the photography exhibition ‘The World of Silence’ or echoes of the festival PAF Tachov 2017 already became a tradition. Neratovice, Formal House, Friday June 2nd 2017. Already 7th year of this interesting exhibition showcasing photographs of life under both sweet- and salt-water. The vernissage has been kicked off with a performance of a music band ‘Voras Band’ and then Mr. Jan Liska welcomed warmly all guests and introduced the evening programme. The guests have proceeded to look through the photographs and also had a chance to cast a vote in a competition running during the evening - the best picture overall and also for two best pictures from the presented Czech authors. Overall, the exhibition presented 146 photographs from various authors all-around the world. The evening competition winners were: Mr. Michal Cerny (CZ) taking the first place, Mr Fabio Strazzi (Italy) taking second place and Mr Michal Stros taking the third. The vernissage evening has also been accompanied by a very pleasant banquet. A projection that has started at 8 pm was showing videos made by Mr. Milan Czapay, titled ‘Water – the spring of life’ and by Mr. Vlasta Urban, titled ’10.000 Miles from Hrimezdice’. The evening continued with a debate with a diver, traveller and designer – Mr. Pavel Gross. The debate lasted until 10 pm and left the guests with a good feeling of well spent evening. Overall, the evening hosted 124 guests which had common interests in photography and all things related to the fascinating world under the water. 


01 svet ticha 2017