Results PAF Tachov 2017
Film festival jury
• Miroslav Hrdý CZ - Chairman
• MgA. Simona Oktábcová CZ
• Danny Van Belle BE
• Josef Psohlavec CZ
Rafa Herrero Massieu Life on the blue
WINS - Diving on the boat Ondina - SMY ONDINA
Diving films – amateur films
1. Olivier Van Den Broeck BE Satan is a fish
2. Robert Janda CZ Cebu – ráj potápěčů
3. Johan De Smedt BE My way
Diving films – professional films
1. Leonardo Sergiani IT Underwater senses
2. János cave,Lerner Balazs HU Budapest inferno – The secret of the Molnár
3. Florian Guthknecht DE Karibik: die Jäge
Films about water – amateur films
Prizes was not awarded - participation only one film
Films about water – professional films
1. Ciril Mlinar SV Protheus Hunters
2. Miroslav Náplava CZ Baťův kanál – vzkříšení snu
3. Vlasta Urban CZ 10 000 mil od Hříměždic
Begining author: category not occupied - kategorie
AV prezentace
1. Danny Van Belle BE The Golden Rock / Zlatá skála
2. Filip Staes BE The perfect pond / Perfektní rybník
3. Milan Czapay DE Im blauen Rampenlicht / V modrém světle divadla3
PHOTOGRAPHS - Gallery winning photos
Photographs festival jury:
• Hejzlar Jaroslav CZ Chairman
• Cipriani Settimio IT
• Kráčmar Jakub CZ
• Liška Jan CZ
• Daniel Selmeczi HU
Authors portfolio - Top Photographer
1. Friedrich Tobias DE - Top Photographer - WINS - Diving on the boat Oceanic
2. Marchione Giacomo IT
3. Iardino Fabio IT
Top Photo Friedrich Tobias DE - The-shark
Black and white photography
1. Friedrich Tobias DE / The Shark
2. Ianniello Salvatore IT/ Octopus mammutt
3. Heckmann Thomas DE/ Shore Dive of a Manta
Colored photography captured in fresh waters
1. Filip Staes BE / Into the air
2. Rooman Luc BE / Pike
3. Iardino Fabio IT/ The king of the lake
Colored photography captured in sea or ocean
1. Lonz Volker DE / Front seat
2. Giorgetta Massimo IT / Lysoporcellain crab
3. Villani Guido IT / Red crab
Photography captured in a swimming pool with use of a creative technology
1. Heckmann Thomas DE / Silver Dancer at Dusk
2. Wang Tyler TW / Underwater bride and groom
3. Giorgetta Massimo IT / Goal
Beginnig author
1. Hrdá Ivana CZ/ Delfíni
2. Not awarded
3. Not awarded
Championship Czech Republic (only Czech authors) – portfolio
1. Radan Vitoul CZ
2. Ladislav Smelik CZ
3. Richard Jaroněk CZ
Price child visitors
Hynek Kašpar CZ – Bobo blues
Price visitors - Price Czech diving association
Margit Sablowski DE
Drawn humor
1. Karel Urban CZ
2. Mirek Vostrý
3. Pepa Bílek
Kategory 6-12 years
Painting, drawing, graphics
1. Eliška Sieberová - ZŠ Tachov, Kostelní ul.
2. Kateřina Košátková - ZŠ Tachov, Hornická ul.
3. Natálie Pazderová - ZŠ Nezvěstice
1. Marie Fouňová - ZUŠ Planá
2. Lukáš Kučerka - ZUŠ Tachov
3. David Kratochvíl - ZUŠ Tachov
Kategory 6-12 years
Painting, drawing, graphics
1. Michaela Stachová - ZUŠ Tachov
2. Amálie Pintová, Tereza Lavičková, Barbora Horáková - ZUŠ Tachov
3. Vendula Hrnčířová - Praha - Jinonice
1. Tadeáš Sova - ZUŠ Tachov
2. Lukáš Pindor - ZŠ a MŠ Tachov, P. Jilemnického ul.
3. Martin Sivák - ZŠ a MŠ Tachov, P. Jilemnického ul