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Congratulations to all awarded authors
and many thanks to all participants and supporters of the PAF Tachov Festival.

We are looking forward to seeing you on the 47th PAF Tachov which will take place on April 5th 2025.

Results PAF Tachov 2017

Results 2017 - PDF downloadsklo paf 2017 02


Film festival jury
• Miroslav Hrdý CZ - Chairman
• MgA. Simona Oktábcová CZ
• Danny Van Belle BE
• Josef Psohlavec CZ

Rafa Herrero Massieu Life on the blue
WINS - Diving on the boat Ondina - SMY ONDINA

Diving films – amateur films
1. Olivier Van Den Broeck BE Satan is a fish
2. Robert Janda CZ Cebu – ráj potápěčů
3. Johan De Smedt BE My way

Diving films – professional films
1. Leonardo Sergiani IT Underwater senses
2. János cave,Lerner Balazs HU Budapest inferno – The secret of the Molnár
3. Florian Guthknecht DE Karibik: die Jäge

Films about water – amateur films
Prizes was not awarded - participation only one film

Films about water – professional films
1. Ciril Mlinar SV Protheus Hunters
2. Miroslav Náplava CZ Baťův kanál – vzkříšení snu
3. Vlasta Urban CZ 10 000 mil od Hříměždic

Begining author: category not occupied - kategorie

AV prezentace
1. Danny Van Belle BE The Golden Rock / Zlatá skála
2. Filip Staes BE The perfect pond / Perfektní rybník
3. Milan Czapay DE Im blauen Rampenlicht / V modrém světle divadla3

PHOTOGRAPHS - Gallery winning photos  

Photographs festival jury:

• Hejzlar Jaroslav CZ Chairman

• Cipriani Settimio IT
• Kráčmar Jakub CZ
• Liška Jan CZ
• Daniel Selmeczi HU

Authors portfolio - Top Photographer
1. Friedrich Tobias DE - Top Photographer - WINS - Diving on the boat Oceanic
2. Marchione Giacomo IT
3. Iardino Fabio IT

Top Photo Friedrich Tobias DE - The-shark

Black and white photography
1. Friedrich Tobias DE / The Shark
2. Ianniello Salvatore IT/ Octopus mammutt
3. Heckmann Thomas DE/ Shore Dive of a Manta

Colored photography captured in fresh waters
1. Filip Staes BE / Into the air
2. Rooman Luc BE / Pike
3. Iardino Fabio IT/ The king of the lake

Colored photography captured in sea or ocean
1. Lonz Volker DE / Front seat
2. Giorgetta Massimo IT / Lysoporcellain crab
3. Villani Guido IT / Red crab

Photography captured in a swimming pool with use of a creative technology
1. Heckmann Thomas DE / Silver Dancer at Dusk
2. Wang Tyler TW / Underwater bride and groom
3. Giorgetta Massimo IT / Goal

Beginnig author
1. Hrdá Ivana CZ/ Delfíni
2. Not awarded
3. Not awarded

Championship Czech Republic (only Czech authors) – portfolio
1. Radan Vitoul CZ
2. Ladislav Smelik CZ
3. Richard Jaroněk CZ

Price child visitors
Hynek Kašpar CZ – Bobo blues

Price visitors - Price Czech diving association
Margit Sablowski DE

Drawn humor
1. Karel Urban CZ
2. Mirek Vostrý
3. Pepa Bílek


Kategory 6-12 years

Painting, drawing, graphics

1. Eliška Sieberová - ZŠ Tachov, Kostelní ul.
2. Kateřina Košátková - ZŠ Tachov, Hornická ul.
3. Natálie Pazderová - ZŠ Nezvěstice

1. Marie Fouňová - ZUŠ Planá
2. Lukáš Kučerka - ZUŠ Tachov
3. David Kratochvíl - ZUŠ Tachov

Kategory 6-12 years

Painting, drawing, graphics
1. Michaela Stachová - ZUŠ Tachov
2. Amálie Pintová, Tereza Lavičková, Barbora Horáková - ZUŠ Tachov
3. Vendula Hrnčířová - Praha - Jinonice

1. Tadeáš Sova - ZUŠ Tachov
2. Lukáš Pindor - ZŠ a MŠ Tachov, P. Jilemnického ul.
3. Martin Sivák - ZŠ a MŠ Tachov, P. Jilemnického ul