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PAF Festival 2025 - Acceptance of competition works has started.
You can send your competition photos and films until midnight on March 15th, 2025. You can find details about the individual categories in the "Rules" link. We look forward to your works and personal meetings at the festival on April 4-6th, 2025 in Tachov. In case of a problem with booking accommodation during the festival, please contact us by email. We have enough capacity and will be happy to help you arrange  accommodation.

Rules Photographs Categories 

5.1.    Black and white photography
5.2.    Colored photography captured in fresh waters
5.3.    Colored photography captured in sea or ocean
5.4.    Photo taken in the pool or open water edited with creative technology.
5.6.    Author’s portfolio – Author have to send  4 photos of required fields 

  • A) Wide angled shot without a diver
  • B) Wide angled shot with a diver
  • C) Macro
  • D) Photo of underwater animal

To send your photographs, use Contest photo gallery

  1. One Author is allowed to sign up 1-3 photos in each category.
  2. The category Author’s portfolio has to include all 4 photos and is judged as a whole project.
  3. Single photography can not be used in more categories. An image taken at short intervals with the same subject is also considered to be the same photograph.
  4. Photos have to be captured under water while diving.
  5. Applicant have to deliver photos in an electronic from (in some regular data format, for example jpg). The recommended size of a photo is 20 x 30 cm/300 dpi, 12 x 8 inch / 300dpi, (2400 x 3600 pixels) The file can not be bigger than 5 MB. To send your photographs, use Contest photo gallery  
  6. To the competition can be sent only photos, which haven’t been used in the PAF Tachov festival before.
  7. There will be printed 150 photos of format 30x45cm for PAF Tachov traveling exhibition from a selection of competing photos. Costs of printing will be covered by organizers of PAF Tachov festival. Contact organizers in case of interest about installation of this exhibition.
  8. Applicant has to be the author of a signed up photo and he must have a legal capacity at the time of sending an application form. Organizers of the festival don’t carry any responsibility, if consequences of presenting photo would reveal, that its capturing or disposition of applicant with the photo was done in conflict with legal regulations.
  9. Copyright of contesting photos belongs to the contestant, however by participation in the competition the author agrees with usage of photos for further propagation of Festival PAF Tachov.
  10. Author agrees with any usage of signed up photos for further propagation of Festival PAF Tachov, specifically for public presentation and non commercial purposes (for example exhibitions, publications about festival, calendars, brochures etc.); author agrees that usage of his photos will be for free for unlimited amount of time, where other copyright of the author sustains untouched (of course the author will be always presented with his photography).
  11. By application to the competition, the competitor agrees with all established rules and conditions of the competition and usage of signed up photos.
  12. The author is aware that, if his photos will not fulfill established requirements, if he will not pay the fee, or if his application form will not be submitted by established way, his application form will be eliminated from the competition.

To send your photographs, use Contest photo gallery