Time schedule of projections lectures and the program for children.
FRIDAY 24.3. 2017
08:00 - 12:00 Cinema (The Community Center Mže) Projection and lecture for schools
10:30 Lecture - Kamil Vondrášek "Afrika is not for quitters" ("Afrika není pro sraby")
18:00 The Museum of the Czech Forest (Muzeum Českého lesa) in Tachov
Vernissage of the author's photo exhibition - Rostislav Štefánek "From the life of fish" ("Ze života ryb")
20:00 Cinema (The Community Center Mže)
Projection of travel and diving films
SATURDAY 25.3. 2017
MAIN PROGRAM - Cinema (The Community Center Mže)
09:00 Projection of travel and diving films
11:00 Prize giving to winners of the Cildren's Artwork Competition
11:15 Lecture - Danny Van Belle: Cenderawasih Bay
12:00 Projection of travel and diving films
13:00 Lecture - Ivan Vychodil: Sulawesi - fire and water, life and death
14:00 Projection of travel and diving films
15:00 Lecture - Daniela Koteková: "Shark lady" Story of sharks - myths and episodes
16:00 Projection of travel and diving films
Exhibition of diving photographs - You can visit the photo exhibition during the whole festival in The Community Center Mže
The exhibition will show a selection of 150 top-scoring diving photographs, which were sent by authors from 17 countries and which were selected from the total number of almost 700 contesting photographs.
09:00 - 15:00 The Ball Hall in The Community Center Mže
,,Draw a photo’’ - Draw one of the exhibited photographs and take part in a contest for prizes, which will be given to winners after the contest is finished (approx at 15:30). Drawing sets and tools are ready.
Competition in a special divers card game (Pexeso), Tournament in ludo (Člověče nezlob se)
Inflatable "springing" castle and some other attractions available all day for free.