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Results PAF Tachov 2020 - Children‘s artworks
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PAF Festival 2025 - Acceptance of competition works has started.
You can send your competition photos and films until midnight on March 15th, 2025. You can find details about the individual categories in the "Rules" link. We look forward to your works and personal meetings at the festival on April 4-6th, 2025 in Tachov. In case of a problem with booking accommodation during the festival, please contact us by email. We have enough capacity and will be happy to help you arrange  accommodation.

Children‘s artworks - The undersea world as seen by children 


Painting, drawing, graphic / 6 - 12 years old kids

II kresba 1 místo

1st place - painting, drawing, graphic / 13 - 18 years old kids

Eliška Štěrbová - CZ

1. CZ Adéla Jerneková
2. CZ Tereza Kubenová
3. CZ Jan Lípa
Ceramic / 6 - 12 years old kids
1. CZ Marie Petrusková
2. CZ Anna Petrusková
3. CZ Linda Šlajsová
Painting, drawing, graphic / 13 - 18 years old kids
1. CZ Eliška Štěrbová
2. CZ Anna Volfová
3. CZ Martin Reitšpies
Ceramic / 13 - 18 years old kids
1. CZ Marie Fouňová
2. CZ David Kratochvíl
3. CZ Adéla Stodolová


Gallery of winning artworks:

{cer_gallery path=images/PAF2020/Detska_soutez/ramecky}{/cer_gallery}