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Results PAF Tachov 2020 - Films and AV Presentations
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PAF Festival 2025 - Acceptance of competition works has started.
You can send your competition photos and films until midnight on March 15th, 2025. You can find details about the individual categories in the "Rules" link. We look forward to your works and personal meetings at the festival on April 4-6th, 2025 in Tachov. In case of a problem with booking accommodation during the festival, please contact us by email. We have enough capacity and will be happy to help you arrange  accommodation.

Results of films and AV presentations competition

List of the video jury

Simona Oktbcov CZ   danny van belle  Steve Lichtag CZ  Miroslav Luk CZ   Kamil Vondrek CZ

 Simona Oktábcová - CZ, Danny Van Belle - BE, Steve Lichtag - CZ, Miroslav Lukáš - CZ, Kamil Vondrášek - CZ


GRAND PRIX PAF Tachov 2020  


A free cruize aboard the SMY Ondina

Winner's companion will enjoy

  a 50% dicount in the same cruise



PAF 2020 GrandPrix


IT Leonardo Sergiani Underwater strategies
Amateur diving films 
1st BE De Smedt Jo Coral Reefs
2nd MU Olivier Van Den Broeck Leeward
3rd DE Marcus Prothmann Meine "Felicitas"
Profesional diving films 
1st NL Robert Hughan, Arthur Scheijde Sandy Illusions
2nd NL Ronald Faber Odyssea
3rd SK Ciril Mlinar 35 years of Protheus on film
Audiovisual presentation 
1st IT Gaetano Anzalone The Kingdom Of The Four Kings
2nd IT Domenico Drago Suspended Aroma
3rd BE Rooman Luc Seven Seas
Films about the water 
1st CZ Hugo Habrman Lidé malajsijských ostrovů
2nd RU Anna Kozlova Orda
Special price of the jury 
SK Pavol Král' Otužilci tatranských plies 



 Gallery of awarded films and AV presentations:

 {cer_gallery path=images/PAF2020/Video/Ramecky}{/cer_gallery}